Travel Blogs – We thought it would be a great time for us to take some time and reflect back on this year – not just at how much has grown as a site but also at how many amazing other personal travel blogs there are out there – sharing, provoking and living this travel lifestyle to the fullest.
There are so many personal travel blogs out there, and every day more and more are starting up – so it is nearly impossible for us to track, and fully study every travel blog out there.
Here are a few guides on How To Start a Travel Blog and Get Sponsored: A Funding Guide for Explorers, Adventurers, and Would-Be World Travelers (here a is great book review of the Get Sponsored Guide)
The 25 Most Inspiring Personal Travel Blogs below are some of the best blogs which we feel have inspired and helped the travel blog industry grow the most this year.
Most Inspiring Personal Travel Blogs
Guide Friends New To Backpacking
#1 Wes Nations / Johnnyvagabond
Why has he made the list? Wes is all about the story – he travels around the world ‘ low and slow’ sharing so many well-written travel stories and experiences – I am waiting for the book!
Every time we visit his site, his stories get us laughing, and aside from telling ‘lies’ and taking amazing photos, Wes also shares very useful tips and a great “daily budget” box for each country he visits.
Twitter: @johnnyvagabond
#2 Matt Kepnes / Nomadic Matt
Matt is one of the few who has turned travel blogging into a full-time career. He is an inspiration to others, and shows everyone what is possible. Matt’s blog is easily navigated and updated several times a week with both useful information, tips and personal travel blogs.
Matt is also a huge inspiration for long term traveling, as he has traveled for many years funding only by the income he’s making online.
Twitter: @nomadicmatt
#3 Rolf Potts / No Baggage Challenge
Rolf Potts recently got back from spending 6 weeks around the world without any baggage – The No Baggage Challenge. On this travel blog he shares videos and proves that you don’t need a 60L+ and heaps of gear to be able to travel – less is more.
This is so close to our mindset, the no-excuse way of travel and with so many excuses out there for WHY people can’t travel, it’s great that someone stepped up and did this – even if the trip was funded by high-profile travel companies.
Twitter: @rtwnobag
#4 Ryan & Liz / Pause The Moment
Currently traveling around the world, Ryan and Liz have built up a great travel blog very fast – with so many awesome tips, videos and photos, it seems like these guys have been around for ages. Great couple, and they really really prove that this lifestyle is possible for anyone.
Twitter: @pausethemoment
#5 Lauren & Todd / GlobeTroopers
Lauren and Todd have created a great unique site for travelers to meet. A place online where you can find other like minded people to travel with. Meeting people and making friends while traveling is a big part of the whole experience, and many people who travel solo sometimes want to share those moments with others.
Built from the ground up this site really seems amazing and has been featured in Mashable and the Los Angeles Times.
Twitter: @globetrooper

#6 David Hoffmann / Davids Been Here
Dave has created an informative and professional blog, on which he shares video guides for many places around the world. He also helps people plan trips and gives them tips on different countries in a unique video format on a section on his site called Ask David.
David is now starting to create his own PDF Downloadable City Guides which he is creating for every city he visits. His mission is to inform the world – about the world – because he believes that traveling changes people to the core.
Twitter: @davidsbeenhere
#7 Stephine Yoder / Twenty-Something Travel
Even though she has only just left for her RTW trip – Steph has built her site up into one of the top travel blogs – with a large loyal readership. On her site you will find a very personal and honest travel journal where she is unafraid to share her thoughts and emotions.
If you want to follow someone from the start of a round the world trip, Steph takes you through from dreaming to planning to making RTW a reality.
Twitter: @20sTravel
#8 Anil Polat / Fox Nomad
Anil is THE tech- guy, sharing practical advice for many necessary things others may over look. Whenever you have a question about where to find Wi-Fi, which lap top to choose, how to jailbreak your iPhone, etc., this is it.
He also writes a lot of safety advice, many about things that many people wouldn’t think about but then end up needing advice on. Anil also belongs to one of the few who are making a living and travel completely funded by his blogs.
Twitter: @foxnomad
#9 Keith Savage / Traveling Savage

Keith writes in a completely different style from most other travel bloggers. He writes more about thought-provoking subjects, and in a way which makes you contemplate, wonder and think twice. His mission is seeing the world one month at a time – while still having a home base.
He is the philosophical traveler who in a poetic way writes about things that many travelers can relate to, and subjects that engage people on a different level.
Twitter: @travelingsavage
#10 Christine Gilbert / Almost Fearless

Christine Gilbert is currently in the process of making of a film about digital nomads, and is traveling around the world filming those of us who have left the 9/5 life in search of other options. She has also released 3 books about leaving the 9/5 life and creating a life of freedom.
On her site you will find many guest posts, which makes her site a resource where you’ll find different styles of writing and view points from each guest poster.
Twitter: @almostfearless
#11 Matthew Kyhnn / Backpacking Matt

Matt is a seasoned traveler who has just spent the last 6 months exploring the depths of New Zealand, and shares many good quality articles about the country. So if you have any questions about New Zealand, send him an email, he prob. knows more about the place than me (and it’s my home country!)
Currently Matt is in Thailand, so keep a look out for more awesome info about South-East Asia. I am sure he will bring the same detailed passion he used to share New Zealand with the world.
Twitter: @backpackingmatt
#12 Aracely Santos and Jason Castellani / Two Backpackers

Aracely and Jason’s way of travel is very similar to Johnny Vagabond’s ‘low and slow’ – they are currently in South America, and are sharing so many amazing videos of the places they visit. On their easily navigated and well-designed blog, you will also find a lot of practical advice – based on real experience.
Twitter: @twobackpackers
#13 Craig & Linda Martin / Indie Travel Podcast

Craig and Linda have a Lonely Planet Award-winning podcast every week where they talk about the places they’ve been to, have interviews with other travelers, etc. They are one of the few couples who travel the world funded by their websites, which is a big inspiration to us, and it is great to have Craig share many great tips about making money on your travel site via
Twitter: @indietravel
#14 Brock Groombridge / Backpack With Brock

Brock is the HD film master – he has nearly finished a 12 month trip around the world, and shared every step on his site via full HD film. Despite being a solo traveler he manages to film himself a lot rather than just the surroundings like many others do.
It’s always much appreciated to see the face of a blogger you follow – it really helps to build a strong connection.
Twitter: @backpackerbrock
#15 Gary Arndt / Everything Everywhere

Gary is a great photographer and shares photos daily with his visitors – also offered as desktop wallpaper. Apart from sharing daily photos he also has a very active travel forum, but the best place to get to know Gary is on his weekly audio podcast where he talks with some of the big-name people in the travel community.
Gary is known as one of the best travel bloggers out there, and he certainly is very successful in terms of getting thousands of visitors a month coming to his site.
Twitter: @everywheretrip
#16 Amar Hussain / Gap Year Escape
Amar Hussain / Gap Year Escape
To us Amar has been one of the friendliest guys out there, taking the time to chat, and share his experience – one of which is getting trips, and other things for free while traveling. He is currently writing an ebook about how to get things, trips and hostels etc. for free, something I’m sure everyone would like to know more about.
He just arrived back in the UK, but I am sure you will see him out there again traveling soon.
Twitter: @gapyearescape
#17 Benny Lewis / Fluent In 3 Months
Benny Lewis / Fluent In 3 Months
Benny has taken on a smaller niche in the travel blogging community – learning languages. Knowing a few languages while traveling certainly makes it easier, and knowing the language in the current place you are is even better. Benny can speak 8 languages and is constantly striving to get better, and to learn more languages.
Whether you want to hear how it’s going for him or learn from his tips and advice, his blog is the place to be for language lovers.
Twitter: @irishpolyglot
#18 Robin and Amanda / Mango Manjaro

Robin and Amanda are the authors behind a new travel blog – which is about something that most people would love to do, but would be way too scared… Their plan is to hitchhike (YES – hitchhike) from Sweden all the way down to India.
They share videos of all the drivers who pick them up. They’re a small but very inspiring blog who truly deserve a shout out.
Twitter: N/A
#19 Andi Perullo / My Beautiful Adventures

Andi’s bubbly personality shines through so strongly on her personal travel journal where she shares her beautiful adventures. She seems like an amazing person, who never stops smiling and really just seems to CARE.
What makes her stand out the most are the amazing pictures she shares, and the well thought-through songs that she picks to match each of her blogs – to really get you in the right blog-reading mood. It hasn’t been updated in awhile but when she was posting regularly, it was one of our go-to reads.
Twitter: @andiperullo
#20 Dave Lee / Go Backpacking

Dave is a great inspiration for those wanting to get away and travel – he runs sharing many great tips and inspiration for world travel – he also earns a full-time living from his sites, which helps

Audrey & Daniel have been traveling since 2006 with a mission to humanize the places they visit, drawing their readers in through photographs and stories, so they connect with people and places they might otherwise never hear about or actively disregard.
I love the way they measure how far they travel around the world by how many footsteps they take – 39,537,390 right now!
Twitter: @umarket
#22 Caz and Craig / Y Travel Blog

They have been working abroad in different countries for 10 years, and finally created this site in 2010 as a source of inspiration and encouragement to others. They have built up travel blog very fast, and it is great to see them building such a great strong community-feel on Facebook etc.
I am sure in the future, this site will be one of the top ones out there.
Twitter: @ytravelblog
#23 Colin Wright / Exile Lifestyle

Colin Wright has done what so many people aspire to do, he not only left to go travel on an open ended journey. He moves to a new country every 4 months, and his readers decide where he will go next by voting. I love this guy’s mindset, and even though we haven’t met yet, I can tell Colin has it figured out, and we can all learn a few things from him about developing an awesome location-free lifestyle.
Twitter: N/A
#24 Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil / The Planet D
- Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil / The Planet D
With a mindset of ‘Anyone Can Do It!’ you know this blog is going to share some great value to it’s readers. Dave and Debra really are the adventure couple, traveling around the world doing many crazy things like: cycling 12,000km through Africa, and climbing to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro.
Look out for their next adventure to Fiji, I am sure it will be full of many amazing stories.
Twitter: @theplanetd
Travel Blog Directory
Well wasn’t that a big list! If you have read all these blogs and would like to read more – then make sure you check out our Travel Blog Directory – which includes over 100 more awesome travel blogs.
Travel Blog Directory – here you can find a list of all the awesome travel blogs from around the world.
If you would like your blog listed here on our travel blog directory – please just send us an email: aswetravel (at) – so we can exchange links and add you to this travel blog directory.
(The travel blog directory is listed in alphabetical order)
- A Wandering Sole
- About Luxury Cruising
- Adventure Bimbling
- Adventurous Kate
- Adventures With Ben
- Adventures With Dan
- AirTreks – Travel Blog
- All Fiji Blog
- Andy Goes to Asia
- Atlantic Rising
- A Travellers Journey
- Aussie On The Road
- Away She Goes
- Backpacking Matt
- Backpack With Brock
- Backpacking Spirit
- Backpacking Travel Blog
- Bacon Is Magic
- Bali Traveller
- Barefoot Adventures
- Bare Pockets-Traveling reports
- Be A Travel Bee
- Beach Malta
- Best Beaches In Asia
- Bohemian Trails
- Booking & Travel Advisor – Blog
- Borderless Travels
- Breathe Dream Go
- Brooke Vs The World
- B&W’s Adventures
- Caffeinated Traveller
- Candice Does The World
- Canucking Abroad
- Cheap Deal Cruises
- Chicscapes
- Christine In Spain
- Cruise Legs
- Culture Cats
- Cultural Travel with Hole In The Donut
- Cumbria Blog
- Danger Travels
- Barcelona Vs. Real Madrid
- Dont Ever Look Back
- Dont Worry Just Travel
- Down the Wrabbit Hole
- Dream A Little Dream
- D Travels Round
- Eat Laugh Love Anon
- English Portal
- eTramping – Travelling like Tramps
- European Travelista
- Europe River Boats
- EuropeTravelr – your guide to the best of Europe Travel
- Faraway Pillow
- Filovent Boat and Yacht Charters
- Finding The Universe
- First Time Travel
- Flashpacker Family
- FoXnomad
- Freelance Backpacker
- Girl Out-of-Bound
- Global Debauchery
- Global Munchkins
- Globe Nomads
- GloboTreks
- Globetrotter Girls
- GoGreenTravelGreen – Going Green, Living Green and Green Travel
- Go Mexico Guide
- Got Ireland
- Great Britain Travel Guide
- Greenheart Travel
- Gringo Starr
- Grounded Traveler
- GQ Trippin
- Guten Tag Yall
- Happy Frog Travels – It’s all about the place!
- Happy Wanderlust: Travel Inspiration for World Travelers
- Harvey Mansion Historic Inn
- Helens Travel Corner
- Humanitarian Writer
- Indie Travel Podcast
- Into A Far Country
- Imagine Travel And Tours
- Irish Fireside
- Italian Breaks
- Just Wandering
- KayPacha Travels
- Lay Your Head Here
- La Tortuga Viajera
- Laura The Explorer
- Leave Your Daily Hell
- Life’s Great Adventures
- Little Colombia Observationist
- Maiden Voyage
- Mai Travel Site
- Malaysia Travel Guide
- Maria Abroad
- Man vs Clock
- Michael Nyffeler
- Migrationology
- Monkey Brewster
- My Several Worlds
- Mzungu Backpacker
- Nicole Is The New Black
- Nomadic Notes
- Nomadic Samuel
- Oliver’s Travels
- One Step 4ward
- On The Road With Sankara
- Packers Paradise
- Paradizo
- Pause The Moment
- Practical Adventurology
- Quiet Wanderings
- Rishiray
- Round We Go
- Runaway Guide
- Sams Playground
- Sam And The Dunes
- Seat Of Our Pants
- Second Spot
- Short Travel Tips
- Smiling Faces Travel Photos
- Solo Female Traveler
- Soul Travelers 3
- Southern Circuit Safari
- Technomadia
- Technosyncratic
- Tel Aviv Guide
- That Backpacker
- The Aussie Nomad
- The Constant Rambler
- The Paradise Seed
- The Professional Hobo
- The Road Forks
- The Road To Anywhere
- The Roman Guy
- The Wander Project
- The World Of Deej
- This Life in Trips
- Todds Wanderings
- Tourism Montreal
- Tourist 2 Townie
- Trail Of Ants
- Travel Advice Europe
- Travel Around The World
- Traveling Round The World
- Travel Blissful
- Travel Bllgr
- Traveling Canucks
- Travelholica
- Travel Junkette
- Travelling King
- Traveling – Written by a travel blogger who is a former Canadian who now resides full-time in the Cayman Islands.
- Travel On The Level
- Travel Notes
- Travelling With Me
- Travel Video Ideas
- Three Six Five
- Two Go Round-The-World
- Two Yuppies And A Passport
- Unframed World
- Ultimate Round Trip
- Unstoppable Family
- U Pick A Path
- Vagabond Quest
- Video Travelers – connecting you with the best travel videos online.
- Vietnam Cruises
- Villanovo Luxury Villa Rentals
- Villanova Blog
- Viva La Dream Travel
- Wanderlass
- Wandering Trader
- Ways Of Wanderers
- Where Now Blog
- Where’s Poople
- Where to go Honeymooning ~ Searching for the best destinations, hotels and activities for your honeymoon?
- Woman Seeks World
- Work Learn Go
- Year Around The World
- 1000 Places to Fight Before you Die
- 1 Dad 1 Kid
- 28 Countries And Counting
You just read through our list of all the awesome travel blogs from around the world.
Best Travel Blogs From Around The Web
We will be posting our favorite travel blog posts.
So sit back, relax and enjoy our selection of interesting travel posts below:
Potosi Through Children’s Eyes
Audrey and Daniel from (Uncornered Market) explore the mines and it’s shocking history in Potosi, Bolivia – with 12 year old kids forced to work down the mines and how you can prepare if you plan on visiting there.
Learning How to Scuba Dive
Matt from (Nomadic Matt) travels to Fiji and is *forced* to try Scuba Diving for the first time, or suffer public embarrassment by Gary on Twitter – does he finally overcome his fears?
5 Unmissable Road Trips
Craig Ablitt shares his 5 most favorite road trip destinations from Route 66, South Africa, Australia and the Alaskan Highway.
Antarctica – A Decision
Audrey and Daniel (Uncornered Market) have pulled the trigger and decided to travel to Antarctica – WOW I can’t wait to read more about this new adventure they are off on!
Great Places To Teach English
Nomadic Matt shares with us a VERY detailed blog about different place where you can go and teach English – if this is something you have thought about doing, make sure you check it out.
How To Make The Most Out Of Your Stopover In Iceland
Anil (FoXnomad) stops over in Iceland and gives us the lowdown on this interesting place, and a few great things for you to do and places to check out.
Why Bangkok?
Gary (Everything Everywhere) explores Bangkok, and has now convinced me to visit this interesting place when me and Sofia head over to Asia later this year.
Do The Thing That Scares You
Steph (Twenty-Something Travel) has written a very interesting (and not only related to travelling) blog about stepping up and doing those things which scare you, and how by doing this kind of thing, you can grow as a human being and become stronger.
Best Travel Blogs From Around The Web
How We Saved Enough Money To Travel The World
(Pause The Moment) Ryan & Liz are 29 days from leaving for their RTW trip and they share with us a blog FULL of useful and interesting information on how they saved enough money to travel the world.
By reading through their blog you will find so many great tips, tricks and advice to help you save money – great stuff guys!
How To Create Your Own Personal Travel Security Plan
(Fox Nomad) Anil gives us another interesting and informative blog post, this time it’s about how you can create your own personal travel security plan.
To be honest many of the things he talks about are things I never have really thought about, but wish I did know before.
He is not trying to scare us, instead this blog gives you a bunch of simple tips for ways in which you can prepare for anything unexpected which might happen on your trip – to sum up:
*Prepare Early, Prevent What You Can, And Be Ready For What You Can’t*
Digging Into Experiential Travel
(Traveling Savage) Keith after months of research and digging around into what Experiential Travel means.
He finally shares with us his 4 rules which broken down into simple points give us a better understanding into the meaning behind this kind of travel style.
There are many great tips, and a must read for any traveler interested in learning something new!
Visiting Into the Wild’s Magic Bus
(Free Wheeling) I’m sure you have seen the movie – Into The Wild – I am also sure that many of you after watching it, felt some sort of connection with Christopher and his free way of living life.
Well Brandon decided that he would go out into the Alaskan Wildness and find the exact location of Christopher’s Magic Bus.
In this blog he shares his personal motivations behind the adventure, exact GPS directions (in-case you also would like to go) and also the best time of year to travel there.
Great blog for those in search of adventure!
5 Essential Zen Habits for Balanced Living
not a travel blog, but one of the most inspiring and educational blogs for anyone who is interested in living a more balanced and happy lifestyle.
Two Reasons to ADORE America –
Lillie (Around The World L) gives us 2 reasons why you must adore America, we haven’t been to America yet, but are planning a trip there later this year, and this blog gives us more motivation.
Lillie traveled the world and by doing so realized what a wonderful place America was – travel does that to you sometimes 🙂 thanks for sharing!
7 Tips and Resources for Relocating Abroad
Lauren shares with us 7 tips and resources for those of you who are thinking of not just traveling abroad but also would like to settle down and start a new life in a new country – great stuff!
The Truth About Travel in China – Part Two: Food
Keith & Amy (Green Around The Globe) are currently in China and in the second part of a blog series, share the truth about China.
As they say* The food is terrible.
That is, if you can even figure out what it is you’re eating.* haha sounds like a bit of an experience trying to order food over there (never really knowing what you are getting) – I would love to check it out and see what happens, it really is stories like this that make me WANT to go and visit a place… I think that getting to see things like that really makes the trip worth it!
Missing the Comforts of Home
Oh I can so relate to this one – Sarah (She’s In Love With The World) has spent 4 months away from home and in this blog she lists a bunch of this that she misses while on the road – some of the things I miss about home: everyone speaking English, certain food choices, my own big bed, a wardrobe of clothes (more than just a backpack full) – what about you?
I am sure she would love to hear your own *missed comforts* in her comment section.
My Favorite Australian Hostels
Matt (Nomadic Matt) does it again… this time after spending a few months going through Aussie, he gives us his favorite hostels – he mentions this is a preview for a future blog which will be ranking the best hostel.
I think it is great to be able to read about others you trust who have gone to certain places and can share tips about places to stay etc – thanks Matt!
Are Poor Places Any More Real Than Rich Ones?
Anil (foXnoMad) ponders the question – Are poor places any more real than rich ones, and why many travelers seem to feel a need to see the poorest parts of a culture in order to have seen the REAL country – what do you think?
Commentary: The More I Travel, The Dumber I Get
Gary (Everything-Everywhere) shares a profound and interesting blog in where he realizes that the more he travels the dumber he seems to get – to quote him.
“Over three years of traveling I’ve learned a lot of things.
From a raw knowledge perspective, I’ve learned more in three years of traveling than I did in four years of college.
If I am learning so much stuff, how can I say that I’m getting dumber the more I travel?
Because the things I know I’m ignorant about increases faster than the things I know that I know.” – Gary
Five Things I’ve Learned in Bangkok
Wes (Johnny Vagabond) has just arrived in Bangkok, and shares with us 5 important things he has learnt by simply walking around the streets over the last few days – there are also a few great general travel tips included!
Spring In The Boboli Gardens Of Florence Through The Cameras Eye
Suzy (Suzy Guese) shares with us some amazing photos as spring arrives in Florence and as she wanders through one of her favorite parts of the city in the Boboli Gardens.
We’re All Travelers Here
Steph (Twenty-Something Travel) gets honest with her blog readers about the fact that many travelers seem to develop an attitude of:
The way I travel is better and more REAL than the way you travel and personally need to tell you about all the *amazing* things they have done.
I have personally experienced this mindset all around the world and like Steph says you will see this while you are staying in hotels.
Which I personally think is the worst – check out her blog above and make sure you don’t let yourself slip into that neg. attitude.
7 Things You Can Really Do Without To Save Money While Traveling
Anil (fox nomad) shares with us a GREAT blog list with 7 thing you really don’t need while on the road – from drinking alcohol to taking the best SLR camera with you – check out the blog and maybe you can save a few bucks!
7 Ways My Trip Already Kicks Ass!
Joel (Freedonia Post) is in the process of *planning* his bike trip around Europe – here he shares 7 ways for why his travel plans are already awesome.
I just found this blog, and love his attitude – so check out the blog because I really can’t wait to follow Joel as he bikes through Europe!
Top 7 FREE Attractions In Las Vegas
Marta (a travel around the world) has just been hanging out in Las Vegas, and gives us 7 things which you can do for FREE next time you are there! – great stuff!
Backpack With Brock
Brock is one funny guy… and he is currently traveling through Asia – the wicked thing about his blog is that he pretty much only posts HD Quality Videos and also does it every few days.
Documenting his trip and sharing travel advice as he goes – in general a really good blog for you to add to your weekly reading!
I hope the Volcano in Iceland didn’t disturb your travel plans too much this week, and that you have had some time to relax and maybe realize how much we seem to have become reliant on flying for our daily lives.
Its crazy how much chaos such a simple natural thing can cause!
Antarctica, Part 4: An Audio Slideshow
(Uncornered Market) oh I love this – Audrey and Daniel not only share with you a slide show with heaps of great pictures from their adventure to Antarctica, but they also guide you through each picture via AUDIO, describing everything in such detail.
Great photos and interesting commentary – thanks for sharing!
*Can’t* And Travel Don’t Go Together
(Suzy Guese) Suzy gets down and honest about how some people find going on a trip easier than others and she comes to the conclusion that to quote ‘… travel is all about stepping outside of your known to the unknown.
If it’s not then it isn’t travel…’ I 100% agree, and know so many people who WISH and dream about going traveling, but they always have a list of CANT’S holding them back.
Let go of the can’ts and LET YOURSELF travel – then it becomes easy, and the world opens up for you.
India: Day 2 (Part 1)
(My Beautiful Adventures) Andi has just gotten back from a quick trip to India, this place has been a dream of hers for such a long time – check out her blog, follow her adventure and enjoy many amazing pictures – I am sooo jealous! 🙂
Why Do You Travel?
(The Aussie Nomad) Chris is just about to leave for his RTW trip (today?) and ponders the question WHY do you travel?
He has been posting many prep.
Blogs about his up-coming trip, but I really can’t wait until he is in Europe and starts exploring on a daily basis.
He is going to have such a awesome time and this Travel Blogs post shares with us more insights into WHY he decided to quit everything in Australia and leave to Europe – great stuff!
(Nomadic Matt) Australia is an expensive place to visit, let alone travel around, and many people will only spend a few months there going up and down the east coast, simply because to expand into the outskirts just seems too hard and expensive.
Matthew breaks it down for you and gives you every option out there to make the most out of your trip.
Before you get to OZ make sure you check out this blog post!
Extra: I just found this guys blog a few days ago, and really enjoyed reading about his adventures – check it out and see what you think:
21 Signs You’re a Travel Addict
Katie (Travel Base) shares with us 21 signs that make make you a travel addict – read through her list to find out if YOU also should attend TAA meetings :p
Renting A Motorbike In Thailand
Dan (Voyagner) gives some great tips for those wanting to travel around Asia a different way – It’s funny he writes about it because a few days ago Sofia and I made the plan to travel from China to Singapore next year by Motorbike – so this blog came at the right time.
An Introduction To Booking Adviser
I haven’t heard of this site before, but after having a quick look around it, it seems like its a site which might have loads of potential – Via the link about Go Backpacking does a detailed review about site, which is very helpful!
A Tale of Two Travel Archetypes: Breadth and Depth
Keith (Traveling -Savage) shares some amazing insights into travel, disconnecting from the real world, how and why do you travel – giving us a lot of deep thinks to think about – a great read!
One is Company: Choosing to Travel Solo
Christine posted a guest post on Twenty-Something Travel talking about the pros and cons of traveling alone.
Me and Sofia have been traveling for 2 years together, and I personally wouldn’t change it for the world.
But I can also understand that sometimes you really just need that freedom to really explore and do what YOU want to do.
Read her blog, it’s really interesting!
Unusual Place Of The Month – Chernobyl
Ever thought of visiting a nuclear power plant?
How about one that had a meltdown?
Well, think no more.
They have been running tours for the last few years to the site of the worst nuclear catastrophe known to man – if you want to experience something creepy, this really sounds like the place!
The Learn German 3 month Mission
Benny (Fluent In 3 Months) has just decided to move to Berlin in order to learn German.
This will be his 8th language, so follow him as he dives head-first into the life of a Berliner with the mission to learn German in 3 months.
He also shares some great tips which can help you to also pick up a new language faster!
Hitting The Breaks – Is It Time To Downshift Your Travels?
Keith (Traveling-Savage) shares a guest post on Suzy Guese’s blog about signs you can look out for in-case you need to slow down during your travels.
Are you planning too much?
Are you rushing from one country to another?
Are you feeling stressed and tired instead of joy and excitement?
Maybe it’s a sign you need to slow down and enjoy the moment.
Keith always shares a bunch of great insights, so check out this Travel Blogs and hope you can also learn something from it!
Photo Essay: Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica
Photo time!
Photo essay of the Arenal Volcano, which is an active volcano in Costa Rica.
I have always had the dream to travel to this place, so by seeing these pictures now I am really inspired to go there even more.
7 Tips For Mainintaing Your Travel Blogs On The Road
(Backpacking Matt) I just found Matt’s blog, and am enjoying following his trip around New Zealand.
In this blog he shares 7 great tips for how you can make sure you KEEP blogging even while you are traveling (from experience, getting into this blogging routine is damn hard – but once you figure out a plan of attack while on the road – it becomes easy.)
Eventually, Everyone Stops Traveling
(Almost Fearless) Christine gives us the question “is the romance of the round-the-world trip actually burning people out on travel?” and goes in-depth into reasons why some people feel a need to “retire” from the travel lifestyle and decided to settle down again.
What would you do?
Do you think you can travel for the rest of your life?
Or is this a fling for you, something which you know will come to a end?
Check out her blog and leave a comment.
3 Free Language Social Networks for Travelers
(Fox Nomad) Do you want to learn how to speak another language?
Anil shares 3 websites where you can sign up, meet and practice with others online.
Also he shares a bunch of other links to help you speed up your language learning – great resources!
If you can’t stick to your plans…. Don’t plan anything
(No Place To Be) Poi & Kirsty are in the process of planning their RTW trip but find themselves always changing their plans – they question – *surely a journey with no limitations is the best way to go?* – check out their blog, cos it sounds like they will be having a bunch of adventures very soon!
Things I Can’t Stand When Traveling
(Pair Of Panties & Boxers) Monica shares with us a list of things she can’t stand while traveling, and also posed the question to her twitter friends – check out the blog to see their replies and to also leave your own.
One example: People who make travel a pissing contest over whose got more traveler cred. ugh. – can you guess who that was?
5 Alternatives To Guide Books
Jane (Runaway Jane) shares with us 5 new and different ways for you to find out about the places you visit – yeah guide books are good, but what if you want more inspiration than simply the facts?
Jane gives us 5 resources!
Matthew (Nomadic Matt) gives us a break down on exactly how much he thinks you will need to travel around Australia.
He gives you his own personal examples from when he was there last month which is perfect, up to date and a great resource for anyone who is there or planning to explore OZ this year – he also gives you some options on HOW to save money while you are there.
Top 6 Extreme Vacations
Do you like extreme sports?
Then this blog is for you!
Nellie (Wild Junket) gives us her top 6 adventure vacations – from Spelunking in New Zealand to Volcano-Climbing in Guatemala – this blog has something for all you adrenaline junkies!
Traveler’s Guide To Locking Down Your Laptop (3 parts)
Anil (fox nomad) has posted a 3-part series about how you can keep your laptop save while you are on the road, from physical security to protecting your data.
This is a MUST READ for anyone who is a active travel blogger, I have many times lost articles, and blogs simply by not backing up my system etc. NOT FUN! 🙂
10 great reasons to holiday in Dubai
James (Indie Travel Podcast) gives us 10 great reasons why we should put Dubai on our list of next places to visit – from it been a shopping paradise, to the warm weather and beaches, to SKIING – this places really does seem to have everything you could ever want… all in the same place – amazing!
Living Under A State of Emergency
What is REALLY happening in Bangkok @ the moment – is it really a place you should stay away from now?
Or is it safe for tourists?
Lesson is simple: use your logic and common sense – this doesn’t only apply to Thailand, nearly every country in the world has dangerous aspects, but does that really mean you shouldn’t travel there, here or anywhere?
Have you been to the world’s smallest nation?
Andy (Europe ala carte) gives us the smallest *nation* in the world – make sure you check out the picture!
The place is called Sealand, and you can find it just off the coast of England.
With it’s own passports, money and a flag you would THINK it also maybe had some dirt and trees???
How to Get an Empty Seat Next to You On an (Almost) Full Flight
Scott (Trekeo) gives us some tips via a guest post on Almost Fearless about how we can make sure we get a empty seat next to us on nearly any flight – shares heaps of great tips, so thanks for sharing these!
Farewell, India
Laura & Ryan (Round We Go) have just left India and shares some amazing in-depth insights into the real life conditions and situations you can encounter while traveling by train through India.
I personally loved reading all their blogs about this place – for me India is next on the map to visit, so thanks for more inspiration!
Are You A Purist?
Pamela (Spunky Girl Monologues) questions are you a PURIST TRAVELER – on her next trip she is to quote her ‘…make a conscious decision to return to a pure and simple form of travel.
It’s something that will allow me to feel more connected and creative…’ – do you NEED twitter, Facebook, internet to travel or are you more interested in getting back to a *real* way of travel where you figure everything out WHILE you are on the road and things just seem to work out without too much planning… check the Travel Blogs and ask yourself the same questions – I love thought provoking blogs!
Best Travel Blogs
We are always looking for new, and interesting Travel Blogs – so if you have a blog which you would like us to read simply leave a comment below so we can check it out!
Well there you go, many new travel blogs there for you to read, hope you enjoy them and make sure you have a great weekend.