Last Updated on October 18, 2022 by Alice Benny
World’s Most Dangerous Roads – Roads and travel are known to be the most common cause of death in the world. According to a World Health Organization (WHO) report, more than 1.2 million people die every year as a result of car accidents- an average of 3,287 deaths per day.
The world is filled with dangerous roads. In fact, there are so many dangerous roads that it’s impossible to list them all. They have been ranked by various organizations and the rankings vary from one to another.
The Telegraph published a list of the most dangerous roads in the world and listed these roads as the 10 most dangerous on the globe, on which more than 12,000 people were killed in traffic accidents over a five-year period. A group of travel experts published their list of the world’s 20 most dangerous roads for a National Geographic article. This list included some different highways from The Telegraph’s list of 10, but it did not contain any different highways from last year’s ranking.
Whether you are taking a road trip or are just curious, keep reading.
Most Dangerous Roads in the World
Despite having such rigorous safety standards, roads in most parts of the world are not designed for optimal safety. Countries with high risks include India, Thailand, Vietnam and Peru where there is no proper management of road safety and reckless driving is not uncommon.
People living in these countries have to be more cautious when they use public transport or ride on a motorcycle as they have less protection from external factors such as weather or poor infrastructure.
- The Karakoram Highway (Pakistan)
- El Camino Del Rey (Mexico)
World’s Most Dangerous Roads
Traveling equals a lot of time spent using different kinds of transport. In New Zealand we spent 60 hours traveling around on buses. The roads were pretty winding, but they were nothing compared to these ones – and I must admit that it’s a mixture of horror and enthusiasm as I share these places with you – enjoy!
Through investing in infrastructure, the government could help to improve security. The country’s investment in infrastructure has been decreasing over the past decade, and this shows that there is a need for improvement. The following are the world’s most dangerous roads:
Death Road Bolivia – North Yungas Road
Only the nickname of this draws in your attention, and the road surely lives up to its name. North Yungas road in Bolivia is officially the world’s most dangerous road. A fatal accident happens here every week, and it’s estimated that between 200-300 people die here every year..! The road runs between La Paz and Coroico in the Boliovian Andes, and the 70 km long narrow road plunges at a 3 600 meters down. Luckily there is now (since 2006) a newer and much safer road, between these cities, so a lot fewer people driver here – it’s mostly used by adventure bikers these days – with such an amazing view I can see why.
Lena Highway – Russia
Believe it or not, but this muddy off-road looking path is actually a highway between Moscow and Yakutsk. So why isn’t it paved? The reason is simply because it’s so darn cold! They can’t put asphalt because of the permafrost (Yakutsk is one of the coldest cities on earth). But it’s not actually the ice, snow and reduced visibility that is a problem, but when the summer comes and it rains…This makes the road so muddy that they’re completely impassable.
Lysebotn Road – Norway
There are many crazy and amazing roads in Norway, but this must be the one that tops them all. It’s more a roller coaster than an actual road, with 27 switchbacks, amazing views and a long tunnel with three turns inside. This road is said to be one of the most beautiful areas in Europe, and the most fun to drive for skilled drivers.
Highway of Death
The Highway of Death, also known as the “Highway of Death”, is a highway that links Kuwait and Iraq. The highway has been notorious for the amount of traffic accidents and fatalities it has produced.
The “Highway of Death” is a stretch of Highway 8 between Kuwait and Iraq. This strip has been the site for an unusually high number (particularly in proportion to its length) of military personnel deaths in the Persian Gulf War, as well as during subsequent military engagements with Iraq. It was dubbed such after coalition troops returned from Kuwait to Saudi Arabia with surprisingly low casualty numbers, only to discover that many had died along this stretch of road—mostly as a result of dehydration (from drinking tainted water) or heat exhaustion rather than combat injuries.
Guoliang Tunnel Road
Guoliang Tunnel Road is a remarkable engineering project created by the people of Sanmenxia in Henan, China. Guoliang Tunnel Road is a two-lane tunnel in Hunan province. Guoliang Tunnel Road is a highway in Shanxi, China. It is the only road connecting Shanxi to Shaanxi and Henan. It has been called the “most dangerous tunnel in China” and has been nicknamed “Tunnel of Death”.
Guoliang Tunnel Road is also the second-highest mountain tunnel in the world after the neighboring Dahuofang Tunnel. The passageway is 4,655 meters long and rises to 3,200 meters above sea level. It’s not only the longest tunnel ever constructed in Asia, but it’s also one of the longest tunnels in the world. The tunnel has a total length of 10,465 meters and was created to link two other roads.

Most Dangerous Roads in the US
The World Economic Forum found that the United States ranks 16th out of 180 countries for its overall level of road safety. The data was compiled from various sources, including the WHO and OECD.
Motor vehicle crashes are one of the leading causes of death in the U.S., accounting for 31% of all deaths in 2015. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that there were over 40,000 traffic-related fatalities in 2016 alone.
According to research by Consumer Reports, approximately 90 people were killed each day on U.S. roads in 2016, including motorcyclists and pedestrians (a total of 37,461). This is an increase over 2015 when there were 85 fatalities per day (34,092 for the year).
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is a government agency in charge of ensuring road safety. In order to lower the risk of accidents, they have started to publish information on the most dangerous roads in the US.
The most dangerous roads in the United States are not necessarily the ones with the most accidents, but rather the ones with the highest rate of fatalities. NHTSA published their most recent list of most dangerous roads in the US:
The top 10 deadliest highways in America
- I-10 – New Mexico, Arizona, and California
- I-10 from Phoenix to Tucson
- U.S. Highway 17- Florida (St. Augustine) to North Carolina (Wilmington)
- I-95 from Miami to Jacksonville
- U.S. Route 19 – Florida
- U.S. Route 20- Colorado (Denver) to Illinois (Indiana State Line)
- I-75- Michigan (Detroit Metro Area)-Georgia (Montgomery), Alabama (Birmingham), and Florida (Jacksonville).
- I-55 – Mississippi to Tennessee
- I-35 from Laredo to Dallas
- I-93 from Franconia Notch State Park in New Hampshire to Charlestown, New Hampshire
- U.S. Route 1 from Brunswick
Most Dangerous Roads in the World
In conclusion, the roads on this list are some of the most dangerous in the world. Driving on them can be extremely risky. Drivers need to be aware of the dangers and take precautions while travelling on these roads. If you must drive on them, always obey the speed limit, remove distractions, use caution when passing other vehicles, be aware of your surroundings, and stay vigilant. Take precautions to keep yourself safe as even the slightest mistake can lead to a deadly accident. If you are ever in doubt or don’t feel comfortable, do not take the risk. Find an alternate route or hire a local driver.